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Our communication to you (NRI musicians and dancers) through Carnatica has met with a big response. We repeat, we will receive applications for performing opportunities till September end. We will screen them in the first week of October and schedule your programmes, taking into account the dates you have indicated in your replies, that you are available to be featured by Hamsadhwani, and inform you accordingly.


We are pressed to hold music competitions for NRI kids visiting Chennai with their parents between December 15, 2002 and January 10, 2003. It is an excellent suggestion. Senior vocalist Shoba Sekhar living in Melbourne, Australia, who has been singing for us every year for seven years now has come up with a project to host competitions exclusively for NRI kids. She offers a deposit so that the interest earned thereon may be used to award a prize (annually) to a top ranker. NRIs look more for recognition than monetary reward.


We will work on this idea and invite your valuable suggestions and sponsorship. If we have quite a number of student applications, we will hold sub-junior, junior and senior level competitions. Even if there are few aspirants we will ask them to sing. We are sure that the kids competition scheme will gather momentum as the NRI Annual Festival has become very popular and worthwhile. Please mail your reactions to


With warm regards,

R Ramachandran & P Ramakrishnan,

Secretaries, Hamsadhwani


Posted on September 18, 2002


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